13 September 2024
The Miss Ellaneous Regret Gala
13 September 2024
*Flash* *flash* *flash* *mishmash*
Miss Ellaneous slouches down the Dread Carpet, clutch bag clutched cautiously in claws especially salad-dressed for the occasion - occasion ? What occasion ? Well, on occasion, Miss Ellaneous frequents The Regret Gala, the remorseful fashion occasion/occurrence/occultation of this eon. Held at the deep sea dive bar otherwise known as the Regret-ropolitan Museum of blah-blah-blArt in Mad-hattan, (but for one time only held at The Yard Theatre in Hackney Wick). There Miss Ellaneous, armed with a tennis racket of generous girth, stalks the societally imposed border between ‘feeling like yourself’ and the mythic land of ‘other people thinking you look nice’ to bat away judgemental guard dogs who bark strict regulations monitoring movement between these two landscapes of bodily experiences. Ahh yes, for there Miss Ellaneous challenges the three-headed ghost of Anna Wintour to a duet, a roulette, a barbershop quartet of regret for all she has flung at bodies who were simply breathing. For now dawns the Wintour of Our Miss Content! Yes ! Miss D Content ! Miss Dawn Content, a librarian and deep thinker passionate about body euphoria, the act of feeling content, the rejection of ‘online content’, the celebration of Stoke-on-Trent. Together the Misses scream “I am enough, you are enough, together we are hot stuff, come forth to The Regret Gala all you Ms/Mr/Mx/Miss Understoods to dress as you please, please, please”
Dress code : Dress to Distress
Salad Dressing Included.
In the words of David Bowie and Mick Jagger :
It doesn’t matter what you wear…
Just as long…
as you are…
really nice to yourself and others.
Standard £13
Concession £10
Access Companion Free
Our venue is flat throughout with a slightly uneven concrete floor. There are no steps in our bar. We have an accessible toilet, and all our toilets are gender-neutral.
FOR MORESafer Spaces
We work to ensure everyone feels welcome and safe at The Yard.
FULL POLICYPhotography: Harry Elletson